Results for 'Anton Toro Luis F.'

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  1. La dispersión del ser humano y su restauración en Dios.Pedro Luis Moráis Antón - 2008 - Revista Agustiniana 49 (149):467-500.
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  2. Alonso de Orozco, un santo en la Corte de Felipe II.Pedro Luis Moráis Antón - 1991 - Revista Agustiniana 32 (99):1139-1197.
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  3. Sobre la oración en el beato Alonso de Orozco.Pedro Luis Moráis Antón - 1989 - Revista Agustiniana 30 (93):493-555.
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    Portrait and History. The Painting in Joshua Reynolds.Luís F. S. Nascimento - 2020 - Discurso 50 (1):81-92.
    A famous painter of the 18th century, Joshua Reynolds presented throughout the years 1769-1790 speeches to the Royal Academy of Arts. In them, he exhibits a conception of painting that privileges historical paintings. However, Reynolds himself practices portrait painting. Analyzing to what extent the making of portraits does not contradict the argument that historical pictures are the ones that best represent the pictorial genre is what we seek to problematize in this text.
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  5. «... Patrem consummat Filius». Un aspecto inédito de la teología trinitaria de Hilario de Poitiers.Luis F. Ladaria - 2000 - Gregorianum 81 (4):775-788.
    L'A. de cette étude analyse des textes inédits d'Hilaire de Poitiers où ce dernier parle de la réciprocité des relations trinitaires et de la mutuelle «interdépendance» du Père et du Fils. Il montre que l'insistance sur les relations originaires et sur les processions divines ne signifient pas nécessairement l'infériorité du Fils, et que si celui-ci n'existe qu'en totale référence au Père, de même ce dernier se réfère au Fils et ne peut exister sans lui.
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  6. Discriminación indirecta por razón de sexo: sentencia que no analiza la dimensión constitucional de una solicitud de reducción de jornada por razones de guarda legal de un menor.Luis F. Vázquez Simón - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:79-101.
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    Roitman, Adolfo D.," Biblia, exégesis y religión, una lectura crítico-histórica del judaísmo".Luis F. Girón Blanc - 2011 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 16:335-336.
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    Ruiz Morell, Olga y Salvatierra Cossio, Aurora," Maimónides. Leyes sobre el matrimonio (hilkot ishut) del Mishné Torá".Luis F. Girón Blanc - 2011 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 16:341-342.
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    Jonás, el no-profeta de la globalización.Luis F. Girón Blanc - 2003 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 8:61-70.
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  10. La uncion de Jesus y el don del Espiritu.Luis F. Ladaria - 1990 - Gregorianum 71 (3):547-571.
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    In Memoriam: Sonia Muñoz Alonso (1965-2008).Luis F. Girón - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:5-6.
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  12. Conmemorando el 50º Aniversario de Revista Agustiniana.Pedro Luis Morais Antón - 2010 - Revista Agustiniana 51 (156):647-660.
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    Was Aristotle a non-classical logician?Luis F. Bartolo Alegre - 2024 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 69 (Special Issue):95-113.
    This paper discusses the possible classification of Aristotle’s syllogistic as a non-classical logical system, positing Aristotle himself as a non-classical logician. Initially, we find compelling arguments for this thesis, particularly regarding the expressive power and the rules governing logical inference inherent in Aristotle’s approach. My analysis nevertheless addresses two significant counterarguments. The first, the special case objection, posits that Aristotle’s syllogistic can be framed as a classical logic which deals with canonical syllogistic forms. I argue that this objection is insufficient, (...)
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    Bird-song dialects: Social adaptation or assortative mating?Luis F. Baptista - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):100-101.
  15. Sobre a recepção do conceito de Verantwortlichkeit de Wilhelm Windelband na antinomia das éticas da convicção e da responsabilidade de Max Weber/The reception of Wilhelm Windelband’s concept of Verantwortlichkeit in Max Weber’s antinomy between the ethic of conviction and the ethic of responsibility.Luis F. Roselino - 2013 - Seara Filosófica 7:1-12.
    In the following pages, the main proposal is to indicate how Max Weber has dialogued directly with some prerogatives from Kant’s Critic of practical Reason, following the reception of Wilhelm Windelband’s concept of “responsibility” (Verantwortlichkeit) and his theory of values. In sight of these influences, in this paper will be argued how Weber adherence to the neo-Kantian value concept has made possible a review on the categorical imperatives, which has turned his reading from Kantian philosophy to the proposal of an (...)
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    Patar y Pataj en Qohélet Rabbah.Luis F. Girón Blanc - 2000 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 5:159-197.
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  17. Ortega y los Cánticos de Guillén.Luis F. Costa - 1992 - In Ciriaco Morón Arroyo (ed.), Ortega y Gasset: un humanista para nuestro tiempo. Erie, Pa.: ALDEEU.
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  18. Arte, sociedade e luxo: sobre o gosto e o refinamento nas cartas filosóficas de Voltaire / Art, Society and Luxury. Taste and Refinement On Voltaire´s Philosophical Letters.Luis F. Roselino - 2011 - Argumentos 3 (5):51-62.
    Voltaire has presented in his Letters on the English different themes, from religious ethics, literacy, politics, to dramas and science. The letters present us a comparison between England and France. In this parallel we shall present how Voltaire was concerned in evaluate a high standard of taste and refinements. This paper will review some of the last letters of those, which testify about this criterion of taste as a modern point of view. We shall present in Voltaire the eminence of (...)
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  19. Leo Tolstoy’s tragic death and his impacts on Max Weber and György Lukács: On autonomy of arts and science/ O tema da morte trágica de Liev Tolstói e set impacto em Max Weber e György Lukács: Sobre a autonomia nas ciências e na arte.Luis F. Roselino - 2014 - Revista História E Cultura 3 (1):150-171.
    The tragic death in Tolstoy's writings has helped both Max Weber and György Lukács in characterizing the modern pathos as a tragic contemplation of the emptiness of life. Through Tolstoy's readings, Weber and Lukács found an interesting source of denying arts and modern sciences autonomy, considering, from the aesthetics sphere, the meaningless of this new immanent reality. Both has assumed Tolstoy main theme from the same perspective, contrasting ancient and modern worldviews. Max Weber presented this theme in his disenchantment of (...)
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    La política como respuesta al desencantamiento del mundo: el aporte de Max Weber al debate democrático.Luis F. Aguilar - 1998 - Buenos Aires: Eudeba. Edited by Julio Pinto & César E. Peón.
  21. La teologia trinitaria de karl rahner un balance de la discusiÓn.Luis F. Ladaria - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (2):276-307.
    The trinitarian theology of Karl Rahner has been the object of much discussion that has concentrated above all on two points: the «fundamental axiom» of the trinitarian theology and the problems surrounding the concept ofthe divine person. The fundamental axiom has helped to reclaim the central place of the mystery of the Trinity in the Christian faith and the need to set out from the economy of salvation as the only way to search more deeply into the mystery of God. (...)
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    De la crisis financiera al estancamiento económico. Una nota sobre The Endless Crisis, de John Bellamy Foster y Robert W. McChesney.Luis F. López Espinosa - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (1).
    En esta nota, estudiaremos el último libro de Foster y McChesney. Primero, consideraremos la tesis principal del grupo de la Monthly Review: el estancamiento crónico en el capitalismo monopolista. En segundo lugar, examinaremos el concepto de capitalismo monopolistafinanciero de Foster. Para terminar, veremos si el argumento sobre la crisis interminable es acertado, o esta crisis puede conducir a nuevas instituciones dentro del sistema, asegurando la acumulación de capital.
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  23. Selected Papers from the 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2005)-An Autonomous and User-Independent Hand Posture Recognition System for Vision-Based. [REVIEW]Elena Sanchez-Nielsen, Luis Anton-Canalis & Cayetano Guerra-Artal - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4177--113.
  24. Control judicial auténtico de las oposiciones: cota de máxima precisión frente a omisiones, ambigüedades y errores en las preguntas y respuestas que dan lugar a la nulidad de seis de ellas (STS de 18 de mayo de 2007). [REVIEW]Luis F. Vázquez Simón - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 4:109-120.
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    Membrane fission: A computational complexity perspective.Luis F. Macías-Ramos, Bosheng Song, Luis Valencia-Cabrera, Linqiang Pan & Mario J. Pérez-jiménez - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):321-334.
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    Quiroga, Alberto, "ἱερὰ καὶ λόγοι. Estudios de Literatura y de Religión en la Antigüedad tardía". [REVIEW]Luis F. Girón Blanc - 2012 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 17:274-275.
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    The gain in the brain is plain when evo meets devo.Anton Reiner & Mario F. Wullimann - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (9):1026-1030.
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    Epistemología y ciencia en la modernidad: el traslado de la racionalidad de las ciencias físico-naturales a las ciencias sociales.Luis F. Damiani - 1997 - Caracas, Venezuela: Ediciones FACES-UCV.
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  29. Vulneración del derecho de igualdad en la aplicación judicial de la ley: ruptura ocasional de un criterio jurisprudencial consolidado.Vázquez Simón & F. Luis - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 1:104-123.
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    Martín Contreras, Elvira–Seijas de los Ríos-Zarzosa, Guadalupe," Masora. La transmisión de la tradición de la Biblia Hebrea".Luis F. Girón Blanc - 2011 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 16:330-331.
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    Los mecanismos de una resistencia: los libros plúmbeos del Sacromonte y el Evangelio de Bernabé.Luis F. Bernabé Pons - 2002 - Al-Qantara 23 (2):477-498.
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    Property regimes and the commodification of geographic information: An examination of Google Street View.Luis F. Alvarez León - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    The body of information on the Internet is becoming increasingly geographical. This is both due to the expansion of established categories of geographic information and to the simultaneous enrichment of other types of information through geographic identifiers. As this repository of geographic information expands, it is also a key site for multiple processes of commodification transforming informational resources into market goods. Understanding the dynamics driving the integration of geographic information into the digital economy requires a comprehensive political economic analysis. A (...)
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    Notas sobre la cohesión de la comunidad morisca más allá de su expulsión de España.Luis F. Bernabé Pons - 2008 - Al-Qantara 29 (2):307-332.
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    La comparación de versiones.Montserrat Abumalham Mas & Luis F. Girón Blanc - 2002 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 7:119-139.
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  35. Anulación de orden ministerial que limita la flexibilización del período de escolarización de alumnos superdotados.Vázquez Simón & F. Luis - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:102-120.
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    Will Review for Points: The Unpaid Affective Labour of Placemaking for Google’s ‘Local Guides’.Luis F. Alvarez León & Alexander Tarr - 2019 - Feminist Review 123 (1):89-105.
    A growing number of people are relying on technologies like Google Maps not only to navigate and locate themselves in cartographic space but also to search, discover and evaluate urban places. While the spatial data that underlies such technology frequently appears as a combination of Google-created maps and locational information passively collected from mobile (GPS-enabled) devices, in this article we argue that for such systems to function as both useful tools for exploration for users and sources of revenue, users must (...)
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    Transcultural language, native Chilean peoples and a new AI-based artistic-cultural expression.Luis F. Garcia-Lara & Ignacio G. Bugueno-Cordova - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (5):1-10.
    This work aims to rescue, transcribe and create new artistic and cultural expressions through the use of native peoples’ historical visual recordings, integrating intelligent technologies. For this purpose, a Chilean native peoples’ digital repository is collected, in order to apply a Digital Humanities-based methodology. From the chosen material, portraits are selected, recoloured through a AI-based model; the facial mesh is constructed using a facial landmark detector; the points of the mesh are reconstructed by a Delaunay triangulation; to finally apply an (...)
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    National Income Inequality and International Business Expansion.Alfredo Jiménez, Luis F. Escobar, Guoliang Frank Jiang & Nathaniel C. Lupton - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (8):1630-1666.
    We examine the extent to which host country income inequality influences multinational enterprises’ (MNE) expansion strategy for foreign production investment, depending on their specific strategic objectives. Applying a transaction cost framework, we predict that national income inequality has an inverted U-shaped relationship with foreign production investment. As inequality increases, MNEs accrue lower transaction costs arising from interactions with various local actors, leading to higher probability of investment. As income inequality increases further, its effect on location attractiveness will become negative, as (...)
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    Razão e zombaria em Shaftesbury.Luís F. S. Nascimento - 2004 - Dois Pontos 1 (2).
    Sensus Communis: An Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humour é o segundo de um conjunto de seis tratados que Anthony Ashley Cooper publicou em 1711 com o nome de Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. O presente artigo busca analisar a estreita relação que os conceitos de “razão” e “zombaria” assumem nesta obra e a sua importância para a elaboração da noção shaftesburiana de “senso comum”. Reason and raillery in Shaftesbury Abstract Sensus Communis: An Essay on the Freedom (...)
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  40. El punto de partida de la ontología utópica de Ernst Bloch.Luis F. Aguilar Villanueva - 1981 - Dianoia 27 (27):92.
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  41. Filosofía y política: un lugar de origen de la distinción entre ciencias naturales e histórico-sociales.Luis F. Aguilar Villanueva - 1982 - Dianoia 28 (28):79.
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    Poverty, Trust, and Social Distance: A Self-Reinforcing “Poverty Trap”?Almudena Fernández, Luis F. López-Calva & Santiago Rodríguez - 2023 - Social Philosophy and Policy 40 (1):129-149.
    We consider the concept of poverty from the asset-accumulation approach and propose an integrated framework, building upon existing theories, to describe how the interconnected factors of trust (or lack thereof) and social distance can reinforce poverty traps. Social distance is influenced by choice, while trust is the symptom that defines the strength of social ties on a group. We look at how an absence of trust influences how households make decisions about the use and accumulation of assets in ways that (...)
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    Ideal theories of some commutative rings.Luis F. Caceres-Duque - 2003 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 32 (1/2):9-18.
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    The relation between the epistemological beliefs of teachers and students and their behavior in educational practice.Jaime Maravilla & Luis F. Gómez - 2015 - Propósitos y Representaciones 3 (2):81–130.
    This article analyzes the relation of the epistemological beliefs of students and teachers and the actions deployed in the classroom. The framework is the study of personal epistemology, which was developed, among other researchers, by Hofer, Pintrich and Schommer. The research method was, within the qualitative paradigm, through case studies, given the interest in describing the phenomenon in a specific scenario. The results show the epistemological beliefs of teachers and students, the events that make them evident and its relationship with (...)
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    Andrew M. Beresford, Sacred Skin: The Legend of St. Bartholomew in Spanish Art and Literature. (The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World 72.) Leiden: Brill, 2020. Pp. xxv, 352; color figures. $151. ISBN: 978-9-0044-0780-0. [REVIEW]Luis F. López González - 2022 - Speculum 97 (3):782-784.
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    Ideal Theories of the Ring of Polynomials over the Integers.Luis F. Cáceres-Duque - 2001 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 30 (1):21-31.
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    Very low birth weight, short and long term neuropsychological repercussions.Anai Guerra Labrada, Héctor Juan Pelayo González & Luis F. Herrera Jiménez - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):718-733.
    RESUMEN La problemática del muy bajo peso al nacer ha sido abordada desde hace varios años, sin embargo, las investigaciones están enfocadas desde diferentes perspectivas y contextos, no siempre se ha considerado su repercusión a corto y a largo plazo, así como la interacción de los diferentes factores que se relacionan con este riesgo biológico. Por ello en esta revisión bibliográfica se realiza una valoración de estudios ejecutados a nivel internacional y en Cuba dedicados al desarrollo neuropsicológico de niños con (...)
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    (2 other versions)Objetos matemáticos sensibles y objetos Matemáticos inteligibles.Víctor Hugo Chica Pérez, Luis F. Echeverri & Edwin Zarrazola - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 54:187-205.
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    On the application of compression-based metrics to identifying anomalous behaviour in web traffic.Gonzalo de la Torre-Abaitua, Luis F. Lago-Fernández & David Arroyo - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):546-557.
    In cybersecurity, there is a call for adaptive, accurate and efficient procedures to identifying performance shortcomings and security breaches. The increasing complexity of both Internet services and traffic determines a scenario that in many cases impedes the proper deployment of intrusion detection and prevention systems. Although it is a common practice to monitor network and applications activity, there is not a general methodology to codify and interpret the recorded events. Moreover, this lack of methodology somehow erodes the possibility of diagnosing (...)
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    Justicia transicional, paso del caos a la democracia. Justicia restaurativa, ¿su insignia?Luis Antonio Muñoz Hernández & Luis Orlando Toro Garzón - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
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